Using 呢(ne) at the end of interrogative sentences
1. Using 呢 (ne) at the end of questions with interrogative pronouns
Interrogative pronouns included in such questions are 哪儿(nǎr), 什么(shénme), 怎么(zěnme), 谁(shéi), etc. 呢 is used to ask questions about content expressed by these interrogative pronouns.
For example:
A: 喂,我到了。你在哪儿呢?
Hello, I’m here. Where are you?
B: 我还没到,路上堵车了。
I haven’t arrived yet. I’m stuck in traffic.
A: 小丽,这一路上你都不说话,在想什么呢?
Xiaoli, you didn’t talk along the way. What were you thinking about?
B: 我在想明天的考试。
I was thinking about tomorrow’s exam.
Note: Pronoun / noun (phrase) + 呢(ne) to express "what about…"
In a certain context, 呢 can be put after a pronoun or noun (phrase) to form a simple interrogative sentence in which the interrogative pronoun is omitted. Generally speaking, the structure can be used in two ways.
- Asking a question about the situation mentioned previously. The sentence pattern is “A…… , B呢? ” The part “B呢” can be translated as “What about B? ”.
A: 我有一个妹妹。你呢?
I have a sister. What about you?
B: 我没有妹妹,只有一个弟弟。
I have no sister, only one brother.
A: 我是中国人,你是美国人。他呢?
I’ m Chinese and you’re American. What about him?
B: 他是加拿大人。
He is Canadian.
- Use the pattern "Noun (phrase) + 呢(ne)" to ask where something or someone is.
A: 我的笔呢?你看到我的笔了吗?
Where is my pen? Have you seen my pen?
B: 在那边的桌子上。
It’s over there on the table.
A: 爸,我妈呢?
Dad, where is mom?
B: 在厨房做饭呢。
She is cooking in the kitchen.
2. Using 呢 (ne) in alternative questions with 还是(háishi)
When 呢 is used in an alternative question, it will be placed after the two options provided, which are commonly connected by a “还是(háishi)”. The structure is as below. Sometimes the 呢 after the latter option can be omitted.
Option 1 + 呢,还是 + Option 2 (+ 呢)
A: 小红,咱们今晚是在家看电影呢,还是去逛街(呢)?
Xiaohong, shall we watch a movie at home or go shopping tonight?
B: 随便,我都可以。
I’m OK with either.
A: 你什么时候去北京?是明天呢,还是后天(呢)?
When are you leaving for Beijing? Is it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
B: 我还没有想好。
I have no idea yet.
3. Using 呢 (ne) in an affirmative-negative question
The structure of an affirmative-negative question is "Verb/Adjective + 不(bù) + Verb/Adjective". The affirmative-negative question is usually used to seek confirmation or acceptance of what has been said. It is easy to make the listener feel that the questioner is impatient or giving orders. If you want to make it easier for the hearer to accept your question, you can attach 呢 to the end of the question to soften your tone.
Try to compare the following example sentences:
Do you still drink this milk?
Are you going to the cinema tomorrow?
Should I do it like this or not?
4. Used at the end of a rhetorical question
As in the affirmative-negative question, 呢 can also be used in a rhetorical question to soften the tone. You can remove 呢 at the end of the question, which will not change the meaning of the whole sentence, but it will make the tone of the question tougher.
How could you fail such an easy test?
How can I have savings on such a low salary?
What’s the use of being sad when it has already happened?
Using 呢 (ne) at the end of a statement
1. To state a fact in an exaggerated and indisputable mood
If you want to convince someone of something, you can add a 呢 to the end of the statement, which conveys a tone of affirmation and slight exaggeration. Here 呢 is used as a modal particle.
For example:
A: 我要回去了。
I gotta get back.
B: 现在还很早呢,你再坐会儿吧。
It’s still early. You can stay longer.
A: 你做的这个饼干真好吃!
The cookie you made tastes so good!
B: 多吃点,还有很多呢。
Have some more. There’s plenty left.
2. To indicate an action in progress
Putting 呢 at the end of a statement can also indicate a continuous state, suggesting to pay attention. The common sentence patterns are “正(zhèng)/在(zài)......呢”, “V着(zhe)......呢”, or “......着(zhe)呢”.
A: 爸爸怎么了?
What’s wrong with dad?
B: 你别去打扰他,他正为了工作的事生气呢。
He is seething over his work. Don’t bother him.
A: 妈妈,我想去找小丽一起玩。
Mom, I want to go out with Xiaoli.
B: 外面下着雨呢,等天晴了再去吧。
It’s raining outside. Why not wait until it clears up?
A: 小明,我们一起去踢足球吧。
Xiaoming, let’s play soccer together.
B: 我不去,忙着呢。
No. I’m busy.
When 呢(ne) is used in the middle of a statement
When 呢 is used in the middle of a sentence, it usually denotes a pause and draws the listener’s attention to what is said after the pause. Sometimes it comes with a comparative meaning.
He likes to be lively, while I like to be quiet.
The twins have different jobs. The elder sister works as a teacher in a school, while the younger sister works as an accountant in a company.
The little girl is pretty, but she has no perfect manners.