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Nǐ xǐhuan lǚxíng ma?
Do you enjoy travelling?
Vocabulary Expansion
1. 游客 [yóukè]: tourist
2. 旅游业 [lǚyóu yè]: the travel industry
3. 旅行社 [lǚxíngshè]: travel agency
4. 环游世界 [huányóu shìjiè]: travel the world
5. 自驾游 [zìjiàyóu]: road trip
6. 跟团游 [gēntuányóu]: group tour
7. 度假区 [dùjiàqū]: holiday resort
8. 行程 [xíngchéng]: itinerary
9. 观光 [guānguāng]: sightseeing
10. 景点 [jǐngdiǎn]: attractions