Pronouncing Mandarin Perfectly | Chinese Pronunciation Training

Phrase of the Day
Learn a new phrase each day to use in your Chinese! Every day we publish a phrase together with audio pronunciation, definition and dialogue. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. Want to speak authentic Chinese? Check out our SPOKEN Chinese Course above!
Learn a new phrase each day to use in your Chinese! Every day we publish a phrase together with audio pronunciation, definition and dialogue. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. Want to speak authentic Chinese? Check out our SPOKEN Chinese Course above!
Chinese Pronunciation
1. 我要睡觉。
Wǒ yào shuìjiào.
I want to sleep.
2. 我要水饺。
Wǒ yào shuǐjiǎo.
I want dumplings.
3. 我四十四岁。
Wǒ sìshísì suì.
I’m 44 years old.
4. 我要坐出租车。
Wǒ sìshísì suìWǒ yào zuò chūzū chē.
I want to take a taxi.
